Welcome to Birdsong Farms!

BIRDSONG FARMS is owned by Stephen and Martha Vogelsang. We raise performance Quarter Horses and Brangus cattle while preserving and managing our wildlife population. Why Birdsong? The name Vogelsang actually means “Birdsong” in German - my dad was often referred to as “Birdsong” in his work circles. The V4 was the brand originally registered in Milam County by the Vogelsang brothers around 1880. They moved to Milam County after originally settling in Industry, TX in Austin County upon arrival from Germany in 1850. They both served in and survived the Civil War before getting into the mercantile business in Welcome, TX and then into farming and ranching.

How We Started

STEPHEN SPENT HIS high school years in Columbus, Texas where he developed an interest in the livestock business before attending Texas A&M University. He developed skills in horse breeding and more while working on the B.S. and M.S. degrees at Texas A&M. He went on to manage breeding at several prominent farms from 1984-2007. Since that time, equine reproductive services have been conducted at client facilities and at the location in Hearne.

Martha grew up on a dairy and tobacco farm in central North Carolina. Her experiences in both 4-H/FFA and at Texas A&M helped lay the foundation for the Birdsong Farms horse and cattle production programs. Together, we strive to breed and market animals with performance pedigrees, that are attractive and have the conformation and strength to get the job done.

Our Facilities

OUR HORSE FACILITIES ARE located south of Hearne where we own and lease approximately 250 acres. Most of our cattle are maintained on 500+ acres of native pasture in north Milam County. In the past decade, we have begun to more carefully manage the native White-tail deer population and have seen a consistent increase in both numbers and quality. Lastly, Birdsong Farms has some acreage devoted to crops such as wheat, corn, sorghum and cotton.


10466 Old Hearne Road
Hearne, TX 77859

Stephen Vogelsang

Martha Vogelsang

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